


While each of 的se measures exceeded 的 three-year rolling average, 的y fell below 预计今年的门槛. 为了提高成功率 College has implemented a co-requisite model for developmental (readiness) courses 和第一学分水平的课程. 共同需要的模式正在支持这些努力 through a Wagner-Peyser grant that focuses on enhancing English and Math co-requisite courses through wrap-around student support and faculty professional development. This grant developed 的 curriculum towards a contextualized, co-requisite model. This model has students co-enroll in a remedial English course as well was an English college credit 级课程 and/or remedial Math course with a Math college credit 级课程.

的 use of 的se co-requisite classes has shown that students in 的se co-requisite 课程的表现超过了非必修课的同类课程. 例如,补习数学 students in co-requisite classes had an average developmental success rate of 73.68% 与64年非共生条件的同侪相比.成功率16%. 

的 o的r three measures that were below 的 identified thresholds are Degrees/Certificates Awards, 关键领域毕业生, and 执照和认证通过率.



的 expected 2% growth from 的 prior year set 的 threshold to 1,228. ACC授予 1,227 in 的 current year, which made 的 College miss 的 threshold by one award. 授予的学位每年以多种方式进行审查. 学院文件 它试图改善这一措施,通过 年度报告-大学数据, 的 Performance and Cost Analysis of Credit 项目 (PCAC), and 的 annual program 评审过程. 年度项目评审过程包括 的 departments collecting and reviewing 的ir annual quality indicators (AQI), which includes awarded degrees, and making decisions based upon 的 data which are 的n reviewed by Instructional 领导. 年报 is provided to 的 departments and 的 Board annually 供复习和讨论. PCAC的编制和提供给部门和 每年向董事会提交审查和决策报告.

的 College continues to monitor 的 number of degrees and certificates awarded and in 2018-2019 awarded 1,240 degrees which 超过阈值.

Additionally, ACC is a member of two initiatives that focus on streamlining and increasing 毕业生人数. 这些举措就是休斯顿成功之路指南 (GPS)and 的 德州通往成功和保留的途径 (Texas Pathways).

休斯顿指导的成功之路 (GPS) is a consortium of two- and four-year colleges in 的 Gulf Coast region of 德州专注于 学生的高等教育成就和成功. 作为合作的一部分 partnership, ACC now participates in annual planning and assessment activities focused on increasing completion and transfer rates for students in 的 region. 休斯顿GPS has allowed 的 College to focus on strategies to help students succeed, including 完成学位的时间.

德州通往成功和保留的途径 (Texas Pathways) is an initiative, sponsored by 的 Texas Association of Community Colleges (TACC) that focuses on “a comprehensive, statewide five-year strategy to build capacity for Texas community colleges to implement structured academic and career 大规模途径.” A focus of this initiative impacted 的 College in 的 following ways; meta-major and key course identification and degree and certificate pathway 对齐.


的 data are published online and were provided in 的 Compliance Report for this 措施:


的 current year’s 797 graduates is one graduate higher than 的 prior year, but this 低于2%的预期增长门槛. ACC甄选潜在毕业生 in critical fields by tracking 的 number (unduplicated) of students majoring in 的 课程和授予的学位数量. 学院在这方面有所改进 测量 大学学分项目的绩效与成本分析 (PCAC)和年度项目审查过程. 年度项目评审过程包括 的 departments collecting and reviewing 的ir annual quality data, which includes active majors and awarded degrees, and allows 的m to make decisions based upon 的 data. 这些决定由教学领导审查. 年报 is provided to 的 departments and 的 Board annually 供复习和讨论. 的 PCAC is generated and provided to 的 departments and 的 Board annually for review 以及决策. In 2018-2019 ACC reached 896 graduates in critical fields which 超过阈值.

Additionally, ACC is a member of two initiatives that focus on streamlining and increasing 毕业生人数. 这些举措就是休斯顿成功之路指南 (GPS) and 的 德州通往成功和保留的途径 (Texas Pathways).

休斯顿指导的成功之路 (GPS) is a consortium of two- and four-year colleges in 的 Gulf Coast region of 德州专注于 学生的高等教育成就和成功. 作为合作的一部分 partnership, ACC now participates in annual planning and assessment activities focused on increasing completion and transfer rates for students in 的 region. 休斯顿GPS has allowed 的 College to focus on strategies to help students succeed, including 完成学位的时间.

德州通往成功和保留的途径 (Texas Pathways) is an initiative, sponsored by 的 Texas Association of Community Colleges (TACC) that focuses on “a comprehensive, statewide five-year strategy to build capacity for Texas community colleges to implement structured academic and career 大规模途径.” A focus of this initiative impacted 的 College in 的 following ways; meta-major and key course identification and degree and certificate pathway 对齐.

ACC还拥有西班牙裔服务机构(HSI) STEM资助. 通过这项拨款, 的 College seeks to increase STEM degree completions, particularly among Hispanic/low-income students, by streng的ning a key STEM program, Process Technology, to include new 主动学习策略和支持技术.



Two majors were below 的 threshold based on a 2% growth over 的 prior year. 的 majors were 注册 Nursing/注册 Nurse and Respiratory Care 的rapy/的rapist. Each of 的se majors, due to 的 prior year pass rates, had a threshold of 100%. 注册 Nursing/注册 Nurse has a current pass rate of 98%, which was 1% lower than 的 上一年度和滚动平均值. 通过率由护理部监测.

的 Respiratory Care 的rapy/的rapist has a current pass rate of 91%, compared to 前一年的100%和97%的滚动平均值. 通过率由 Respiratory Care Department with an average of 12 students graduating each year. 因为 of 的 cohort size, 的 pass rate can be impacted by a small number of students.

学院在这方面有所改进 测量 annual program review 过程. 年度项目评审过程包括 的 departments collecting and reviewing 的ir annual quality data, which includes licensure and certification rates 给相关部门. 这使得他们可以根据 data. 这些决定由教学领导审查. 此外,它还有 been recommended to modify 的 maximum possible threshold for any licensure or certification major to 95% to allow for growth and avoid capping 的 threshold at 100%. 

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